When you purchase auto insurance from Sump Insurance serving Clarinda, IA, you might be tempted to only buy the state insurance minimums. Although we want you to obtain the exact insurance you want, let us explain why buying the minimum required insurance probably won’t work out well in the end. By shopping with us, you can create a custom policy that covers exactly what you need.
Auto Insurance Add-ons
The state minimum required coverage only protects the other drivers and pedestrians on the road. That leaves you to pay for any damage your vehicle incurs on your own. Yikes. That can cost a lot of money. If you don’t have a standout medical insurance policy and you cause the accident in which you’re harmed, you’ll also need to pay for the medical costs of your treatment out of pocket.
The solution to out-of-pocket expenses for your own costs is a custom insurance policy. By adding comprehensive, collision, and medical coverage to your policy, anything that happens to your vehicle or you, your insurance covers. Collision covers when your vehicle collides with a fence, tree, mailbox, etc. Comprehensive covers named perils, hazards that you could not prevent, such as damage from hurricanes, tornados, fire, hail, etc. If you get injured in an accident you caused, whether it only involves your vehicle or multiple vehicles, adding medical coverage ensures that you can pay for your hospitalization, physical therapy, and other types of medical recovery treatments.
Don’t get caught without proper auto insurance coverage. Let Sump Insurance serving Clarinda, IA help you obtain the policy you need to cover every likely event. Many individuals think, “It can’t happen to me.” When they have an accident but have full coverage auto, they don’t have to worry that it did happen to them. Call us today, so you remain prepared for every eventuality.